Hon. Diane P. Wood (Ret.)
Hon. Diane P. Wood (Ret.) is the director of the American Law Institute, a senior lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago, and a retired United States Circuit Judge. She served for nearly 30 years on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, retiring from the court in April 2024. From 2013 to 2020, she was the Circuit’s Chief Judge, the first woman to serve in that capacity.
Judge Wood began her legal career clerking for Circuit Judge Irving Goldberg, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, and Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the U.S. Supreme Court. She then joined the U.S. State Department’s Office of the Legal Adviser, working in its Economic and Business section.
Following that, she spent two years as an associate at Covington & Burling in Washington, D.C. She then joined the law faculty of the University of Chicago as a professor, associate dean and was named the Green Professor of International Legal Studies—the first woman to be honored with a named chair.
From 1993 to 1995, she was the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust at the U.S. Department of Justice, where she was responsible for the Division’s international, legal policy, and appellate work. She was appointed by President Bill Clinton to the 7th Circuit in 1995.
Throughout her tenure on the court, she continued to teach at the University of Chicago Law School, focusing on the areas of civil procedure, antitrust, and international regulatory issues. In 2015, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice honored her with the John Sherman Award, for contributions to the field of antitrust. She assumed the post of director at the ALI in May 2023.
She received both her B.A. and J.D., Order of the Coif, from the University of Texas at Austin.
Areas of Expertise
- 1995-2024: United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Circuit Judge
- 2013-2020: United States Court of Appeal for the Seventh Circuit, Chief Judge
- 1990-1995: Harold J. and Marion F. Green Professor of International Legal Studies (on leave from August 1993–July 1995, while serving at the U.S. Department of Justice) The Univerisy of Chicago Law School
- A., The University of Texas
- D., The University of Texas School of Law
- “The Art of Agreeable Disagreement,“ Editorial, 2 Transatlantic L. J. 193 (Sept. 2024 issue)
- “Managerial Judging in the Courts ofAppeals” (with Zachary D. Clopton), 43 Rev. Of Litig. 87 (2023)
- “Shortlisted,” (with Renee Knake Jefferson and Hannah Brenner Johnson), 106 Judicature 8 (2023).
- “Indian Sovereignty in Context,” 2022 Wis. L. Rev. 211
- “Words, Words, Words: Some Reflections on the Texas Law Review,” 100 Tex. L. Rev. Online 172 (2022).
- “Losing Faith: Why Public Distrust in the Judiciary Matters—and What Judges Can Do About It,” (with Raymond J. Lohier, Jr., Jeffrey S. Sutton, and David F. Levi), 106 Judicature 70 (2022).
- “In Honor of Stephen Burbank: Beyond the Forest and the Trees,” 169 U. Pa. L. Rev. 2061 (2021) and 23 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 1991 (2021)
- “The Enduring Challenges for Habeas Corpus,” Notre Dame Law Review, (Vol. 95, Issue 5, 2020)
- “The Old New (or is it the New Old) Antitrust: I’m Not Dead Yet!!” 51 Loyola U. Chi. L. J. 1 (2019)
- “Some Observations About Judicial Precedents,” China Law Connect, Issue 7 (December 2019)
- “Sexual Harassment Litigation with a Dose of Reality,” 2019 Univ. Chicago L. Forum 395 (2019)
- Reconciling Efficiency and Equity: A Global Challenge for Competition Policy, ch. 1, Diane Wood, “Eleanor Fox: Insights from an Outsider,” at 19, Damien Gerard and Ioannis Lianos, eds. (2019).
- “Frederic Jenny: Standing Up for Convergence and Relevance in Antitrust,” Liber Amicorum, Volume I, (Concurrences Antitrust Publications & Events)
- “Justice Blackmun and Individual Rights,” 122 Dickinson L. Rev. 33 (2018).
- “Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation: Cases and Materials,” (7th ed.) (with A. Douglas Melamed, Randal C. Picker, Philip Weiser) (Foundation Press, 2018)
- Admitted to the Bars of Texas, (1975, resigned 1996 after becoming federal judge); the District of Columbia, (1978, resigned 2007); and Illinois, (1993–present).
- Admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
- Member, American Law Institute, (1990–present); elected to Council, (May 2003); appointed as Director, May 2023
- Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, (2004–present); appointed to Midwest Council, (2007); Council Member, (2010–2017); Trust Member, (2010–2017); and Board Member, (2013–2017); Chair of Council and Vice-Chair of Board 2017 to 2022
- Member, The Chicago Network, (1996–2009, 2013–present); a social, nonpartisan association of professional women in Chicago.
- Member, Judicial Conference of the United States Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, (October 2007–2013).
- Former member, American Bar Association, and former member of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law and the ABA Section of International Law and Practice.