James M. Rhodes, Esq.
Arbitrator, Mediator & Special Master
Jim Rhodes is a senior attorney with four decades of experience in private practice and government and corporate practice, preparing and executing international business transactions, and resolving complex civil, criminal ad regulatory matters in litigation, arbitration and administrative proceedings in multiple jurisdictions. Trusted counselor to senior financial and corporate executives. Proved, cost-effective leader of multinational legal teams. Admitted to practice in New York and Texas.
Available for dispute resolution advise and service as neutral for mock trials and arbitrations, and assignments as a Special Master.
Employment Legal:
- Partner, Battle Fowler (now Paul Hastings LLP), New York, NY (1981-1989)
- Associate and Partner, Coudert Brothers, New York, NY (1973-1981)
- Associate Attorney, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, New York, NY (1970-1973)
- Trial Attorney, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC (1967-1970)
- Legislative Attorney, U.S. Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC (1965-1966)
Practice Areas:
- Banking and financial services
- Bankruptcy, liquidation, work-outs and restructuring
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Contract disputes
- Distribution, franchise and supply contracts;
- Employment and partnership disputes
- Licensing and intellectual property
- International trade
- Investment fraud
- Mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures
- Partnerships
- Securities
- Shareholders
Affiliations and Experiences:
- Independent Commercial arbitrator (2006-present)
- Founding member of The International Arbitration Club of New York
- Member of the London Court of International Arbitration
- Managing Director, Merrion Street Partners LLC, a New York investment firm (2006-present)
- Managing Director, River Run Financial Advisors LLC, a New York real estate investment firm (1995-2005)
- Director, ICA International, A New York financial services firm (1991-1999)
- President, Stanwich Financial Services LLC, a New York financial services firm (1989-1991
Select Publications:
- Obtaining Evidence From Non-Parties in International Arbitration in the United States (The American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 20, No. 4), New York City Bar Association International Commercial Disputes Committee, Member of Subcommittee that drafted the Report
- Environmental Disputes Mediation: Public Construction Projects; New York State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Spring 2010, Vol. 3, No. 1
- Obtaining Discovery in Aid of International Commercial Arbitration – Applicability and Best Practices, 28 U.S.C. 1782, NYCBA Committee on International Commercial Disputes, 2008, Member of Subcommittee that drafted the Report
- E-Discovery & Securities Arbitration, Bloomberg Law Reports, Securities Arbitration, vol. 2, no. 11, December 2006
- The Arbitrability of U.S. Antitrust Claims, The International Arbitration News, vol. 6, no. 1, Spring 2006
- NAFTA Binational Panel Decisions, The International Lawyer Year in Review, 2005
- The Pitfalls of International Commercial Arbitration, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 17, no. 1, Winter 1984
Conferences and Presentations:
- Program Faculty and Speaker: NYSBA Dispute Resolution Section Commercial Arbitration Training, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York City, June 28-30, 2011
- Program organizer and Speaker: Roundtable on Third Party Funding of International Arbitration: The Newest “New New Thing”, NYSBA Dispute Resolution Section and Fordham University School of Law: Fordham Law School, New York City, June 15, 2011;
- UNCITRAL Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution), participating observer for New York City Bar Association, United Nations, New York, NY, May 23-27, 2011
- Program Co-Chair and Panel Moderator: Topics in International Arbitration. 2011 Annual Meeting of New York State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section, New York City, January 27, 2011
- UNCITRAL Working Group on Arbitration and Conciliation, participating observer for the New York City Bar Association, United Nations, New York, NY, February 9-13, 2009
- Panelist, Critical Junctures in Mediation and How Best to Handle Them, New York Marriott Marquis, January 29, 2009
- Arbitrator, 14th Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Vienna, Austria, March 30-April 5, 2007
Board Memberships:
- Former member of the Council of Overseers of the Jones Business School at Rice University
- Former member of the Board of the Association of Conflict Resolution Greater New York
- Former member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- Member of the Advisory Board of Adirondack Capital Management, a New York hedge fund
- Member of Advisory Board of Hutchinson Global Center for Energy, University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas
Credentials and Awards:
- Panels of arbitrators for FedArb, FINRA
- Panel of Arbitrators for the Singapore International Arbitration Centre
- Panel of Arbitrators for the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration
- Arbitration Panel of the U.S. District Court for the EDNY
- Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship, Stagiaire at the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium (1977)
- Senior Advisor, Burford Capital
- State Bar of Texas (1965)
- New York Bar (1971)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1986)
- Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit
- Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- Various U.S. District Courts
- Rice University, B.A. (1962)
- University of Texas School of Law, J.D. (1965)