Charles Platto, Esq.
Arbitrator & Mediator
Professional Experience:
Principal, Law Offices of Charles Platto, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire (1991-2006, 2009-present); Partner, Cahill Gordon & Reindel, New York and Paris (1971-1991); Salans Law Firm (head of U.S. practice, 1994-1997); Wiggin and Dana (head of Insurance Practice Group, 2007-2009); Adjunct Professor of Insurance Law and Litigation, NYU, Vermont and Fordham Law Schools (1990-present)
Primary Practice Areas:
Domestic and International commercial and insurance and reinsurance arbitration, mediation, expert witness services, and litigation oversight and management. Commercial and international includes all aspects of business disputes. Insurance includes coverage, defense, commercial and personal lines, individual and class actions, arbitrations and mediations, primary and excess cgl, d&o, e&o, property, environmental and other specialized coverage’s and reinsurance.
Bar Admissions
- New York,
- Vermont,
- New Hampshire,
- DVt,
- DNH,
- 2d Cir.,
- 6th Cir.,
- 9th Cir.,
- US Sup. Ct,
- US Tax Court
Dispute Resolution Experience and Training
Chair, 3 member ICC panel in French-American commercial dispute; member AAA panels in US banking and M&A disputes; counsel and expert in numerous domestic and international insurance, excess and reinsurance disputes, court sponsored, JAMS, private, including environmental, post 9/11, bad faith, carrier/insured, carrier/carrier and brokers; represented carrier’s interests in connection with appeal to South African Supreme Court successfully challenging lower court decision which had overturned ICC arbitration on nine figure award with respect to software design/instillation contract dispute with government entity. CPR Advanced Arbitration course, 2009; New York City Bar Basic and Advanced Mediation Courses, 2009-2010, ARIAS (AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society) Arbitration course 2010, certified arbitrator; panel of international arbitrators, International Centre of Dispute Resolution (ICDR); Center for Public Resources (CPR) International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution member and panel of arbitrators for insurance, insurer-policyholder; environmental, international, New York: registered arbitrator, mediator, expert, ICC United States Council for International Business; Reinsurance Mediation Institute (REMEDI), mediator.
Selected Honors, Awards, Publications and/or Professional an d Civic Associations
- Chair, International Bar Association International Litigation Committee and Task Force on Economic Consequences of Litigation Worldwide (1988-1999),
- Chair Commodities and Futures Committee and Member House of Delegates, New York State Bar Association (1984-1990),
- Member NYSBA Dispute Resolution Section (current),
- Vice Chair ABA Tort Insurance Practice Section Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee (current);
- Member, New York City Bar International Commercial Disputes Committee (current),
- Editor/author of nine books on international commercial litigation/arbitration and author of numerous chapters and articles on insurance issues,
- New York Super Lawyer for Insurance Coverage (2010)
- University of Pennsylvania, BA 1966;
- University of Michigan Law School, JD (cum laude/Law Review) 1969;
- NYU Law School, LLM 1974