Celso De Azevedo, Esq.
Arbitrator, Mediator, Expert, Mock Trials
Mr. De Azevedo is an arbitrator and mediator of complex re/insurance, cyber and commercial disputes and is regarded as a leader in the fields of high-value international arbitration, particularly involving cyber risks, cyber insurance, business interruption, marine, trade, construction, D&O, casualty, offshore and energy losses, including subrogation claims. Mr. De Azevedo is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), and a former visiting lecturer at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee (CEPMLP). Having worked for over 23 years as an international litigation solicitor and partner in several international UK and US law firms based in the City of London, Mr. De Azevedo has extensive expertise in complex multi-jurisdictional arbitrations worldwide.
Mr. De Azevedo has a broad international commercial practice with recognised expertise in re/insurance, cyber insurance, cybersecurity, data breach, cryptocurrency, fraud, asset tracing and business interruption insurance law as well as regulatory investigations.
Mr. De Azevedo is a Fellow of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), and a former visiting lecturer at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee (CEPMLP).
Mr. De Azevedo qualified as a Barrister in the UK (1997) and as a New York Attorney (2002). He is a member of the British Insurance Law Association, Chartered Insurance Institute, Insurance Institute of London, and Society of Claims Professionals.
Having worked for over 23 years as an international litigation solicitor and partner in several international UK and US law firms based in the City of London, Mr De Azevedo has wide-ranging expertise in complex multi-jurisdictional arbitrations worldwide.
Mr. De Azevedo has extensive experience in issues concerning international insurers and reinsurers (including Lloyd’s syndicates) in relation to back-to-back, follow the settlements, claims co-operation and control clauses as well as the operation of multi-jurisdictional reinsurance arbitration clauses. Mr. De Azevedo regularly handles coverage disputes involving dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, non-disclosure and avoidance issues, breaches of warranty and conditions precedent.
Mr. De Azevedo is a graduate of King’s College – London University (LLB and LLM) and of the Inns of Court School of Law (Bar Vocational Course).
Mr. De Azevedo has written numerous works on insurance and arbitration topics, including:
- Cyber Risks Insurance – Law and Practice, 1 ed., Sweet & Maxwell
- Walmsley on Business Interruption Insurance, 2 ed., Witherby Insurance
- Chapter “International Arbitration-Insurance and Reinsurance (London Market)” in International Commercial Arbitration Practice: 21st Century Perspectives, LexisNexis
Recent Practice Highlights:
- US$200m international arbitration on behalf of London reinsurers on Contingent Business Interruption Insurance losses due to damage to supplier to major steel plant.
- US$80m international arbitration against local insurer in relation to Machinery and Equipment Insurance losses at a wind generation energy construction project.
- fraudulent push payment scam, impacting on a social engineering exclusion in a cyber liability policy.
- negotiation of cyber liability policy terms to cover cyber security web-platform for cryptocurrency exchanges.
- ‘silent’ cyber risks exclusions to be used in property and construction reinsurance treaty programmes.
- cyber risks insurance, cyber security policies and D&O compliance.
- social media platform’s cyber risks and D&O insurance issues relating to UK and US policy placements.
Notable Court Cases:
- National Bank of Greece SA and Another v RM Outhwaite 317 Syndicate and Others [2001] EWHC 547 (Comm): rules of service of claim forms on Lloyd’s syndicates
- Paul Toomey of Syndicate 2021 v Banco Vitalicio de Espana SA de Seguros y Reaseguros [2004] EWCA Civ 622: meaning of full reinsurance clause and warranties in facultative reinsurance.
- HIH Casualty & General Insurance Limited v JLT Risk Solutions Limited [2006] Lloyd’s Rep IR 493: post-placement broker’s duties under English law.
- Garnat Trading & Shipping (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Baominh Insurance Corporation [2010] EWHC 2578: duty of disclosure under English marine insurance law.