Mediating Executive or Other Key Employee Disputes

A successful mediation requires sensitivity and attention to the needs of each side, but mediating executive or key employee disputes requires some specific considerations and alertness to sensitivities that merit discussion.
It’s a Person’s Career After All!
First, and foremost, we are dealing with a person’s career –the place where the person has spent a good deal of her life energy. Thus, it is important for the mediator to:
- Let the claimant—whether a CEO, executive or other key employee like a television news anchor—know that you care and are listening. Actively listen to the person’s side of the story and concerns.
- Help the employer team see the case from the employee’s perspective so that they can understand what it could take to reach an accord. Actively listen to its side of the dispute, and understand the institution’s needs, remembering that that the institution is made up of people as well who care about their own jobs.
- Help the executive/ key employee see the institutional needs of the employer and any factors the employee may be missing about the reasons for the employer’s actions.